"California has a greater number of minerals and a wider variety of rock
types than does any other state. Serpentine, a shiny, green and blue
rock found throughout California, was named the official State Rock in
1965. It contains the state's principal deposits of chromite, magnesite,
and cinnabar. California was the first state to designate a State Rock."
"The San Joaquin Soil was designated as the official state soil in 1997.
The designation commemorates the completion of the state's most
comprehensive soil inventory and acknowledges the importance of soil."
SoilWeb: An Online Soil Survey Browser
"Explore mapped soil survey areas using an interactive Google map and
view detailed information about map units and their components.
This app runs in your web browser and is compatible with desktop
computers, tablets, and smartphones." This is a great website for checking out soil profiles.... and more.